Merchandising Audits

Helping manufacturers ensure their retail partners remain compliant with contractual merchandising agreements

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Auditing Merchandising within Retail Locations

Manufacturers sell across multiple verticals — big box retail, specialty retail grocery, drug, etc. — and need to ensure that their products are correctly sold within these channels. This often comes down to whether their retail partner is fulfilling their contractual merchandising obligations in terms of signage, in-store location, stock, and much more. Merchandising audits document product merchandising within retail locations, which proves useful for manufacturers in disputes with their retail partners.

Indeed, merchandising audits are particularly useful and necessary for manufacturers whose products are sold in multiple store types, by multiple retail partners. Coalesce these disparate locations and verticals into one retail compliance program, that spans across verticals such as:

  • Consumer electronics
  • Fashion
  • Games and toys
  • Convenience Stores
  • Grocery
  • Much, much more
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How TrendSource does Merchandising Audits

Manufacturers sell their products nationwide and need a retail compliance partner that is similarly omnipresent. TrendSource’s best-in-class Field Agent database guarantees 100% coverage and 100% completion, 100% of the time. Field Agents usually get it right the first time, but if they don’t, TrendSource’s dedicated QA team is on hand to ensure no errors slip through the cracks.

TrendSource rapidly and efficiently provides the documentary evidence manufacturers need to monitor their retail partners’ compliance with merchandising agreements.

That's the TrendSource difference.

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