Reinforce desired service behaviors among your employees with a rewards and recognition mystery shopping program.
Contact UsIn rewards and recognition programs, secret shoppers pose as everyday customers in your locations, keeping an eye out for certain actions and publicly recognize and reward your employees for that behavior. If the Field Agent finds your employee did not perform the desired action, the Field Agent will discreetly notify the manager on duty and offer a teachable moment.
Rewards and Recognition programs can monitor:
Everybody prefers the carrot to the stick, and your company's employees are no exception. Rather than disciplining them when they fall short, reward them when they do it just right.
Contact UsRewards and Recognition programs are a tried and true way to introduce a new culture into your workplace. They are a great way to validate and reinforce training programs because you not only test whether employees are meeting your standards, but you also publicly reward and recognize them for doing so. This gives employees that extra bit of incentive, as we talked about in 2012 (we've been doing this for a while!).
Learn MoreThe depth and quality of our Field Agent database ensures that we can cover your United States and Canadian locations wherever they are, and that you can expect the highest level of professionalism when our agents are in your locations.
While the concept seems simple on paper, rewards and recognition programs take some real-world finesse when on-site. Field Agents discreetly monitor for particular behaviors and determine whether said behavior has been performed, and then quickly shift into public recognition or private coaching. They will enthusiastically and publicly reward your successful employees, drawing the attention of their coworkers to drum up enthusiasm for your program, and discreetly reach out to a manger to coach employees who do not display the desired service behaviors so as to not draw customer attention or unduly embarrass staff.
It's a fine line and our agents know how to walk it. And we reward and recognize them for it. Your company should too.