Net Promoter Score:
What’s Your Company’s Number?

A Net Promoter Score (NPS) tells your company how willing its customers are to recommend their products or services, providing a barometer for customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. We will accurately and quickly score your company, and then set about helping to improve it.

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Will Customers Recommend Your Company?

For all the complexities of business, that question — will customers recommend your company — goes right to the heart of profitability and longevity. We will put in the market research legwork to answer that question for your company, relying on our proven data collection and analysis capabilities. Ensuring accuracy and accountability, we will calculate Net Promoter Scores for businesses in nearly every industry imaginable, including:

And once we calculate your company's score, we will custom build a market research solution to help you increase it.

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The TrendSource Difference

We custom build our programs, design our own surveys, and conduct our own research. That means that we will tailor your NPS calculation to your business and industry, and will have no trouble recruiting a suitable sample.

We rely on our vast network of vetted Field Agents, who have the experience and professionalism necessary to discreetly and accurately conduct surveys on your behalf. And our independent Quality Assurance team is onhand to ensure that you only see the most reliable information possible.

Let us calculate your company's score. And then let's watch it grow.

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