Ensure contracts between CPG manufacturers and their grocery partners are appropriately executed by monitoring how grocers stock, merchandise, and sell particular items.
Learn MoreFor manufacturers of consumer packaged goods (CPG), it is paramount that grocers present and sell their products as outlined in their contracts. Not selling directly to consumers, such manufacturers are already at a disadvantage, and short of roaming the aisles of every single location of every single grocery partner, there's not much CPG companies can do to ensure grocers are stocking items as agreed. That's where TrendSource comes in.
Our Field Agents will discreetly audit your company's grocery partners and will provide invaluable quantitative information related to:
Pair a grocery audit with mystery shops, focus groups, shopalongs, or other qualitative methodologies to understand the customer experience. Too often, market researchers think of qualitative methodologies as being exclusively for retailers looking to understand how customers navigate and experience their stores. They are, however, invaluable to manufacturers who have little control over and access to those retail spaces. With them, your company will be able to map the in-store customer journey and understand how each grocery partner presents and sells their products. It also offers information on what is working, what isn't, and what customers want from an in-store shopping experiences. Use this knowledge when negotiating future contracts with retail partners.
Learn MoreOur veritable army of Field Agents is spread across the country, meaning we will audit any US and Canadian location your business needs us to audit — 100% coverage and completion, 100% of the time. Our independent QA team is on-site to ensure the data you get is accurate and timely, and our Analytics team picks it up from there, turning that data into insights.
Since we custom build each of our programs, we will design the right audit for your business. That means you pay for what you need, and nothing more, and that we get it right the first time.
And, not to brag, but grocery is kind of our thing. We understand the industry, and we understand a manufacturer's place in it.