TrendSource's Competitor Market Research programs offer a deep-dive into your competitive landscape. Find out who your biggest competitors are, how they differentiate themselves within your market, and what service gaps and pain points you can leverage.
Schedule a ConsultationNo two competitor market research programs should be the same. And at TrendSource, they never are. That's because your market position, and thus your market research needs, are unique to you. To answer your business questions, we will combine a host of market research solutions that may include any or all of the following:
These programs leverage our industry knowledge to give you timely and accurate qualitative and quantitative data to ideally position your operations and products within your rapidly shifting marketplace
The more competitor market research solutions built into a program, the deeper it can dive into your competitive landscape. A full battery of competitor market research programs can start to answer truly complex questions, such as:
Just like you, we have our competitors. So, why choose TrendSource?
We know that understanding your competitive landscape is key to succeeding within it, and we've already helped industry-leading retailers and grocers do just that. But the proof's in the pudding — check out a couple of our case studies detailing our competitor market research programs:
Grocer Combats Market Share Loss of New Competitor Location
Learn how a grocer used our competitor market research program to fight off a new entrant into their segment
Produce Is Center Stage for Grocery Shoppers
Follow one retailer's journey to provide superior produce department experiences for their customers through competitor market research
Again, it's not spying — it's competitor market research. And your competitors are already doing it. In your stores. Probably even as you read these words.
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